Wonderful Washington... a coastal state that slopes down to the fertile Columbia Plateau on its east side, through which flows the Columbia River, forming the State boundary to the south and into the North Pacific Ocean on the west. Washington is the State of monumental, mountain peaks and slopes on which grow millions of fir trees and so it's not surprising that it's called the Evergreen State. Teeming with wildlife and wondrous scenery, Washington State is a great destination for lovers of the outdoors, some of whom are pictured in my illustrated map of the region, hiking, fishing, windsurfing and paddle boarding. It is also home to some great cities of which Seattle is probably its biggest draw. Home to Jimi Hendrix and named after one of America's Founding Fathers: George Washington, it's jam packed full of creatives and cultural riches. When I got to know Seattle through my artwork, its inspiration was literally so powerful that I booked a flight out to discover more before the ink was dry! I am looking forward to see more of the State from the top of the Space Needle and wandering around Pioneer Square, Seattle Art Museum and Pike Place Market.